
Our renovation services are sure to give your pool the new look that you crave.

We can perform all kinds of pool remodeling, from adding in extra steps (such as the popular Baja step) to simply adding handrails for easier access. We can do whatever you need to enhance the enjoyment of your pool season.

Our renovation services are sure to give any in ground pools on Long Island a beautiful new look. Bring in a fresh start to your summer with any of our specialty renovations, and give us a call at 631-653-4488 to discuss any of these possibilities with us.

Liner Replacements

With vinyl in ground pools, you’ll most likely have to replace the liner every ten or twenty years. When the time comes, you can trust Quogue Swimming Pool Service of Long Island to replace your old liner with a high quality liner to last for years to come. You can also decide on any minor changes to the overall shape of your pool before we replace the liner.

Skimmer Replacements

Skimmers are vital for keeping Long Island in ground pools clean and fresh. They assist the pump in filtering out debris so it’s important that you care for your skimmers too, in order to give your pool a longer lifetime. Our skimmer replacement services are always a great add-on whenever any kind of renovation is performed on in ground pools on Long Island.

Coping (Including Tile Coping)

The coping is what covers the frame of the pool and splits it up from the rest of your deck. It’s also what gives your pool that finished look. We can do any kind of coping replacement on in ground pools all over Long Island. However, we usually recommend replacing most, if not all, of the coping at once due to difference in color and quality between the new and old stones or tiles.

Marble Dust

Our marble dust option may be exactly what you need to spruce up your pool’s old finish after it has become faded. We’ll create a brand new surface for you that will glisten and give a modern look to your pool.

Beam Repair

The beam is what generally supports the structure of Long Island in ground pools underneath the coping, and is sometimes subject to cracks due to the number of forces that are pushed upon it. Repairing your beam as soon as possible is absolutely essential to the life of your pool, and we can make it a painless repair for you combined with our coping replacement services.

Heat and Plumbing

Whether you are in need of a repair or simply need to upgrade your current system, Quogue Swimming Pool Services of Long Island has a large selection of different heater options and modern plumbing techniques for in ground pools. We’ll keep your pool comfortable and free of leaks.

Pump and Filter Renovations

The pump and filter are essentially the life of your Long Island pool, and in ground pools all have their own specific needs. Leave it to us to repair your pump and filter or pick out new ones that work best for your pool.


Resurfacing your pools is a necessity after a number of years. You can usually tell when in ground pools need to be resurfaced if the interior is rough or crumbling due to Long Island conditions. There are many different kinds of materials that we can use to resurface your pool, however we will help you decide on what’s best for your personal pool.

Contact us today for your consultation!